TeachFlow VS Code Extension: Open Source for Customization and Collaboration

Posted on November 17, 2023 • 5 min read

The TeachFlow VS Code Extension is an open-source tool designed to streamline your development workflow by integrating directly with our platform. We’ve made this extension open source to foster a community-driven approach to development, allowing anyone to contribute, customize, and extend its features. Whether you’re looking to add new functionalities, build custom components, or simply learn from the source code, open sourcing this extension gives you the freedom to adapt it to your specific needs. Join us in creating a more versatile and powerful tool that evolves with the contributions of developers around the world.

Why Open Source?

We believe in the power of community and collaboration. By making the TeachFlow VS Code Extension open source, we aim to empower developers to create custom components that suit their unique needs. Open-sourcing this extension allows developers to contribute, customize, and enhance its functionality, ensuring that it can evolve in ways that benefit everyone. Whether you want to add new features, integrate with different services, or simply learn from the code, open source provides the flexibility and freedom to do so.

How to Install the TeachFlow VS Code Extension from GitHub

To install the TeachFlow VS Code Extension from GitHub, follow these steps:


Clone the repository to your local machine

git clone https://github.com/SignorLupo22/teachflowExtension.git

Navigate to the project directory

cd teachflowExtension

Install dependencies

npm install

Launch in debug mode

Press F5 to launch the extension in debug mode


Explore the extension files

Extension Files
  • Open /src/WebSocket/Offical/function.ts to see all the functions that the extension uses made by the TeachFlow team
  • In the folder /src/WebSocket/, you'll find webScocketServer.ts which contains a switch case used to send data to function.ts
  • In the folder /src/interface/, you'll find ws.ts which contains all the interface used on webScocketServer.ts

Key function in webScocketServer.ts:

export async function decodeResponse(data: string, currentDir: string): Promise<any>

Keep the extension updated

Git Update

To keep the extension updated with the latest changes, run:

git pull origin main

You can now use the TeachFlow VS Code Extension to create custom components and enhance your development workflow